WW: Questions, Questions, Questions

I thought that ages 12 and 13 would be years of great transition in my child. I was surprised that adolescence actually seems to start at 10, where girls take delight in complaining about the introduction of bras (“sports brackets”
This NPR piece, “Global Parenting Habits That Haven’t Caught On In the US,” (by Emily Lodish) ALMOST makes me want to start all over again JUST to see what the outcomes would be. Especially the Vietnamese way of potty training—I wonder
What’s the difference between lying and pretending, and how many shades exist in between the two? NYC-based filmmaker Secil gives us July’s Rumpus Queen as she tells Melody’s tale. Thanks for sharing, Secil! Miss M was in pre-K at a Montesorri school
We’ve got a Royal Rumpus pair for July. Pediatrician Kathy from Texas, shares with us this bath time tale… My two boys are 4 years apart, and I remember thinking as I fell asleep one day that I have turned into one
Our most recent argument is about putting gel in Max’s hair to keep it out of his eyes. Max is growing his hair out again, which means the hair in front hangs like a curtain, too short to tie back just yet.